A two digit number is such that the product of its digit is 12. When 36 is added to this number, the digits interchange their places. Find the number

Let us assume that the required two digit number be as 10x + y Now, as per given data, xy = 12 and (10x + y) + 36 = 10y + x on solving , (10x + y) + 36 = 10y + x 10x + y + 36 = 10y + x 10x –…

What are transverse waves and longitudinal waves

Transverse Waves Definition – A wave in which particles of the medium vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propogation of wave is called as transverse waves .Example – Wave produced on rope. Characteristics of transverse waves👉 All particles of the medium in the path of the wave vibrate in the direction perpendicular…

Difference between binding energy and escape energy of a satellite

Let us first start with defining what is a satellite. A satellite is a moon, planet or a machine that orbits a planet or star. Binding Energy for a satellite Since they are moving in an orbit, so definitely there is an energy that is keeping the satellite bounded with the planet. The minimum amount of…

A person travelled by train for 1 hour at a speed of 50 km/hr. He then travelled by a taxi for 30 minutes at a speed of 32 km/hr to complete his journey. What is the average speed at which he travelled during the journey?

The formula to calculate average speed is, Average speed = Total distance / Total time distance travelled can be obtained by formula, distance = speed x time distance travelled by train = d1 = 50km/hr x 1hr = 50km distance travelled by taxi = d2 = 32km/hr x 0.5hr = 16km hence total distance travelled…

What are eddy currents or Foucault current

Whenever a conductor or a part of the conductor is moved in a magnetic field such that it is cutting the magnetic field lines or placed in a changing magnetic field the free electrons in the bulk of the metal start circulating in closed paths equivalent to current loops. These loop currents resembles eddies in a fluid stream & hence…